'Super-sperm' - another cause of infertility?

Published Sep 14, 2009


By Fiona Macrae

It is well known that having too few sperm can cut a man's chances of fatherhood.

But some may be suffering because they are producing super-sperm which are too fast and powerful, scientists believe.

Evolutionary biologist Oren Hasson believes they race past the defences thrown up by a woman's body so effectively that more than one sperm penetrates the egg.

This process, known as polyspermy, ruins the egg - and the chances of fertilisation.

In Britain, around one in six couples has trouble conceiving naturally and almost 35 000 women a year resort to IVF.

Dr Hasson believes stressful lifestyles, infection and pollution alone cannot explain the high levels of infertility.

His research suggests they result from an "evolutionary arms race" in which male and female bodies undergo subtle changes to improve fertility.

If both make improvements at the same time, fertility will benefit. But if the two are out of step, trouble ensues.

The researcher said: "Sometimes, during the fine-tuning process, high rates of infertility can be seen. That's probably the reason for the very high rates of unexplained infertility in the last decades."

Dr Hasson, of Tel Aviv University in Israel, says women's bodies have gradually evolved extra "defences" to force sperm to become more competitive to reach the egg at all.

Men have responded by making more of the aggressive super-sperm. Once the first sperm fertilises an egg, a woman's body throws up a further range of biochemical defences to stop all the others reaching it.

Dr Hasson said: "To avoid the fatal consequences of polyspermy, female reproductive tracts have evolved to become formidable barriers to sperm.

"They eject, dilute, divert and kill spermatozoa so that only about a single spermatozoon gets into the vicinity of a viable egg at the right time."

But Dr Hasson, who based his theory on fertility statistics and mathematical models, says today's overcompetitive sperm are so fast they can beat the blockade and ruin the normal fertilisation process.

At the same time, men who produce weaker sperm, due to stress or pollution, have less chance of beating the improved female barriers, the journal Biological Reviews reports. - Daily Mail

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