Pregnant Spanish 'man' loses twins

Published Jun 11, 2009


Madrid - A Spanish transsexual who was pregnant with twins has suffered a miscarriage, a Spanish newspaper said Wednesday.

But 25-year-old Ruben Noe Coronado, who was born a woman named Estefania and who still has female sex organs, said he plans to try again, El Mundo said on its website.

After doctors told his female partner she could not have any more children, Coronado interrupted his sex-change procedure in order to get pregnant through artificial insemination.

And in March he announced he was expecting twin boys in September.

"I started having a few problems this week," El Mundo on Wednesday quoted him as saying.

"There were days when my belly was a little low and I was surprised. I went to the doctor and I had to undergo a surgical scraping."

Coronado had planned to complete the sex-change procedure after the birth of the twins, but is now forced to wait while he tries again to get pregnant.

A law that went into effect last year allows Spaniards suffering from "a sexual identity problem" and undergoing hormonal or endocrinal treatment to change their sexual status without undergoing surgery or a sex change.

In the United States, a 35-year-old man who was born a woman before undergoing gender realignment surgery gave birth to a second child on Tuesday, US news reports said.- AFP

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