Home or hospital - the great birth debate

In a watershed moment, leading medical experts in Britian recently declared that mothers should be given more opportunity to have babies at home because a maternity ward is not necessarily the 'safer option'.

In a watershed moment, leading medical experts in Britian recently declared that mothers should be given more opportunity to have babies at home because a maternity ward is not necessarily the 'safer option'.

Published Aug 17, 2011


In a watershed moment, leading medical experts in Britain recently declared that mothers should be given more opportunity to have babies at home because a maternity ward is not necessarily the 'safer option'.

A report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists suggested that as many as a third of all women should give birth “without a doctor going anywhere near them”.

The declaration prompted fierce debate. Here, experts and mothers give their views


Lawrence Mascarenhas, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, The Birth Clinic

A lot of obstetricians are afraid of speaking out against home births as they don’t want to appear non-politically correct towards midwives. But others of us - certainly me included - have our reservations.

If everything runs smoothly during a home birth, it’s absolutely fantastic. But problems arise when it doesn’t.

When you look at the evidence of infant mortality at birth, the statistics are more than a little concerning. In 2003, a British study of 3 million births showed that 14 percent of women having home births ended up being transferred during labour - and of these, the risk of their baby dying increased twelvefold compared to hospital birth. That’s already quite frightening.

More recently, a US study of 500,000 home births reported the risk of infant death being three times more likely than hospital birth. Whichever you believe, there would undoubtedly be an increase in the number of babies that died during labour if the uptake of home birth increased.

The problem is, you cannot predict who will need intervention - and when they do, the transfer time to hospital is critical. In Holland, they have a maximum transfer time of ten minutes. In this country, can you imagine how long it could take, say, to get to a central London hospital during rush hour?

It is dishonest to downplay the risks of home birth, but it’s happening because of economic factors. Our hospitals are already full to the brim. But even if home births increased, staffing is an enormous issue. We would need thousands more midwives - you need two for a home birth. There’s a reason that more babies than ever survive, and that’s due to medical advances, so why go back to Victorian times?


Eleanor May-Johnson, 40, is an independent midwife based in Hampshire

As a midwife, I have probably attended about 100 home births and I firmly believe that it is the best, most natural experience. This is based not just on my experience as an independent midwife, but also as a mother.

When I had my first daughter, I couldn’t have her at home because we had moved house only three days earlier and all our belongings were in boxes. But my next two daughters were both home births, in water, and it was a wonderful experience.

Most women can give birth to their babies with minimum intervention, provided they feel safe, secure and well supported. The resulting experience is better not just for the mother, but for her partner and everyone involved.

When women are in labour they produce a hormone called oxytocin, it’s the same hormone produced when you are intimate with your partner, and it helps produce good contractions. But oxytocin is what you might call a shy hormone, the bright lights and noise of a busy hospital are just not conducive to it working properly.

Having a baby is a physiological experience, not a medical emergency. Being able to give birth at home, with your own kitchen, bathroom and things around you, is so much better than hospital. You feel much more in control.


Charlotte Kemp has three daughters Amelia, eight, Beatrix, six and Martha, 18 months

A course of National Childbirth Trust classes was all it took to convince me I wanted a home birth. The woman running them was a bona fide hippy who said it would lessen the chance of medical intervention.

As I’ve never liked hospitals, I was easily persuaded. My husband, however, wasn’t so keen.

As it turned out, though, my first experience of home birth wasn’t exactly positive. After spending ten hours pacing the floor of my living room having contractions, I had to be rushed to hospital, sirens wailing, when my daughter got stuck in the birth canal.

It was high summer so the maternity unit at my local hospital, King’s in London, was short staffed. As my GP surgery didn’t have a community midwife team (some do, some don’t), two hospital midwives had to be sent out for a home birth. They were so busy they left it to the very last minute before they arrived.

By that point, I was already fully dilated (although I was too inexperienced to know it) and they’d been in such a rush, they’d forgotten the gas and air.

Two hours later, I was told my time was up and was rushed, in the most undignified state imaginable, to hospital with my mother and my green-looking husband. Thankfully, my daughter Amelia was finally born, James Herriot style, by suction pump-aided delivery so all ended well (ish).

You might be surprised to hear it didn’t put me off having my two other daughters, Beatrix and Martha, at home - but I made sure I found community midwives whom I got to know before the birth.

I certainly wouldn’t advise first-time mothers to go down the home birth route but my other two labours went without a hitch.


Claire Poole, 37, is a full-time mother to sons Rufus, three, and Rafe, 19 months, and lives with her husband Keith in South-West London

I was born at home and my mum always told me it was a positive experience, so it was something that I was aware of when I was pregnant the first time. But it was my first baby and I think I was a bit scared of the unknown. Nobody really suggested home birth as an option.

My experience of a hospital birth was mixed; the actual birth was good and I was well supported, but it was late at night and after Rufus arrived my husband was asked to leave. I was left feeling alone, in a hospital ward with no support at all.

Despite that, I still chose hospital the second time, I think mostly because I still had some residual fears.

My second baby, however, had other ideas. We were just getting into the car and about to head to hospital when my waters broke and ten minutes later Rafe had arrived.

In the end I gave birth in the living room with my mom and husband. The ambulance arrived moments later and because of a shortage of midwives - which meant one couldn’t be sent out to the house - they ended up taking me to hospital to be checked over. But within three hours, I was home.

Having experienced a hospital birth, and then a home birth, albeit an unplanned one, I know that I would definitely choose to give birth at home if I got pregnant again.

It was so reassuring to have all my own things around me - no hospital ward, no noise, no pressure to make conversation with strangers - that I would definitely choose that route.

In fact, my midwife suggested that if we have another child, I might be best to have a home birth because the baby could put in another quick appearance. - Daily Mail

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