Dramatic IVF breakthrough

Published Oct 28, 2009


By Daniel Martin

London - British scientists have made a dramatic IVF breakthrough which could bring hope to thousands of women.

They have developed an embryo screening technique which makes it far more likely a woman will give birth.

A trial showed that it doubles the rate of conception, even for patients in their late thirties.

The scientist who developed the technique, Dr Dagan Wells of Oxford University, described the results as "astonishing".

The embryo successfully implanted in more than two thirds of cases and more than 80 percent of those who conceived went on to have a live birth.

This makes it around three times as effective as normal IVF in Britain, where between a quarter and a third of pregnancies end up as live births.

So far, more than 20 babies have been born using the screening programme, which checks for chromosome abnormalities.

Last night Dr Wells said he hoped his test could become standard practice in both private and NHS clinics.

He said: "We were taken aback by the impact it had."

Susan Seenan, of Infertility Network UK, said: "Improvements in success rates are always important, even more so where patients are receiving only one NHS cycle".

But many cycles do not result in live births, either because the embryo does not implant properly or because the foetus later miscarries.

The new screening technique, called comparative genomic hybridisation, allows doctors to remove cells from an embryo when it is a few days old.

The cells are analysed to see if they are genetically normal and the best embryos are selected for implantation into the mother's womb.

The research involved 115 patients from the Colorado Centre for Reproductive Medicine in the US.

Their embryos stayed in the US laboratory but the test cells were flown to Oxford for analysis.

Cells were flown to Oxford for analysis

Dr Wells said the technique offers particular hope to older women because they have a naturally higher chance of producing eggs with genetic defects that can block implantation or cause miscarriages.

But for mothers of any age, the screening also virtually eliminates the risk of genetic conditions like Down's.

Dr Wells said: "You can imagine the pressure felt by an IVF patient who's struggled for years to achieve a pregnancy and then discovers they are pregnant but the baby has something like Down's."

In his trial, 66 percent of women fell pregnant after screening. This is more than double the normal success rate of 28 percent.

The results were particularly impressive because many of the women were on their "last chance" at IVF - typically aged 39 with two failed IVF cycles behind them.

Dr Wells said: "The thing that's got a big impact for us in the UK is that the implantation rate is high - that's the probability of one embryo becoming a baby."

Stuart Lavery, consultant gynaecologist at the IVF unit at Hammersmith Hospital, said the latest results were "quite amazing when compared to conventional approaches".

He said experts would typically expect to see live birth rates of around 15 percent in a group of 40-year-old women. But he said more research was needed.

Dr Allan Pacey, fertility expert at Sheffield University and secretary of the British Fertility Society, said: "I think embryology is crying out for something like this".

CGH is currently offered at only a handful of private clinics in the UK and there have been no CGH births here.

The technique is expensive, adding £2 000 (about R24 000)to the normal IVF fee.

In September, experts in Nottingham used a similar technique - array CGH - to examine eggs rather than embryos.

It led to the birth of a healthy baby to a woman who had suffered 13 failed IVF attempts.

Dr Wells will present his results later this week at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine's annual conference in Atlanta.

*The conference will also hear the results of a California University study which found that women on their third IVF cycle were no more likely to conceive than those receiving no treatment. It suggests many are wasting money on IVF. - Daily Mail

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