‘Doctors lead home birth backlash’

Published Jan 26, 2011


London - Doctors have led a “calculated backlash” against home births by suggesting they are more dangerous than giving birth in hospital, it is claimed.

Professor Cathy Warwick, leader of the Royal College of Midwives, said there was no difference in safety rates at hospital and at home for low-risk women, providing well-staffed maternity services are available.

But she warned that the NHS was stretched to breaking point and growing financial pressures this year could jeopardise the care of all mothers and babies.

Around 18,000 women gave birth at home in England last year - 2.7 percent of women having babies.

Prof Warwick said some doctors “seem to be unprepared to accept the evidence” from research showing the relative safety of home births.

They are comparing “apples and pears” by publishing studies which misleadingly suggest home birth is unsafe, she said.

“You cannot compare home birth globally and reach scientific conclusions.

“We feel that there is a concerted and calculated backlash by sectors of the establishment against homebirth and midwife-led care.

“The reason that most women need to transfer into hospital, having chosen to have a home birth, is because of complications which are not emergencies.” - Daily Mail

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