Cut out alcohol to conceive, says doctor

Published May 25, 2010


London - Women wanting to fall pregnant are as likely to succeed by giving up alcohol and caffeine as by attending a fertility clinic, a nutrition specialist claims.

Dr Emma Derbyshire said that 32 percent of those having trouble conceiving became pregnant by giving up stimulants compared to 33 percent after in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment.

Derbyshire, of Manchester Metropolitan University, said couples should tackle their unhealthy lifestyles first before choosing fertility treatment.

"Women wanting to fall pregnant stand nearly the same chance of conceiving if they cut out alcohol and caffeine as if they attend an IVF clinic for fertility treatment," she said.

Derbyshire said the odds of conceiving fall from 60 percent in women who have one to five alcoholic drinks a week to 30 percent for those consuming more than 10.

She warned caffeine may also reduce chances of becoming pregnant, saying no more than 300mg - or three cups of coffee or tea - should be consumed in a day. - Daily Mail

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