Wish Lists And Wise Men

Published Dec 12, 2006


Performer: Nataniël

Musicians: Jean Oosthuizen (guitar), Charl du Plessis (keyboards), Tonia Selley (percussion, vocals)

Venue: Centurion Theatre

Date: Thursday, December 7

The joy of Nataniël's annual Christmas show is just that - the joy. His stories have a wistfulness, a reflection that symbolises this time of the year.

It's almost the end of another year, a time people like looking back - before they tackle yet another year with all their hopes and dreams safely in tact.

The music is gentle, cleverly chosen to capture the festive spirit and there's a certain goodwill that mirrors the season. From Eric Clapton's hopeful Change the World to Janice Ian's youthful Seventeen, George Michael's The First Time and others, the music has a peaceful feel as it pays tribute to the past year and the future that's not quite here yet.

There's this hiatus before we get off to a fresh start. And Nataniël's stories cleverly reflect this as he looks in his own inimitable way at his life, the way he interacts with people - and they with him. But more importantly, he makes us laugh at himself and at ourselves.

He has developed his own Nataniël-speak, a unique kind of storytelling as he keeps on churning out these amazing fables with characters that arrive on stage to give us valuable life lessons.

With his strong trio of musicians, he has mastered the art of teaching life skills in almost hysterical fashion. It's both a blast and a blessing.

- Wish Lists will be repeated (without the Christmas slant) from January 25 to 27 with Nataniël's new Emperors season opening on February 7.

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