Faahkir Bestman. Picture: Sanette Wessels
Faahkir Bestman, a gifted matriculant at the National School of the Arts, has been awarded a scholarship to study at the esteemed Joffrey Ballet School in New York.
On January 17, 2023, Bestman must be in New York and prepared to begin acting at the Joffrey.
Everything is taken care of once he gets to the Big Apple, but he needs assistance from the community to get there with everything in order. The goal for fundraising is R100 000.
"This will pay for two round-trip tickets to New York, year medical insurance, passport and visa fees, more dancing equipment, winter-appropriate clothing, a sturdy luggage, and a duffel bag.
“Additionally, we must prepare for crises and contingencies, "said The National School of the Arts' artistic director Brenda Sakellarides.
Before Covid stopped the Johannesburg Youth Ballet (JYB) from performing, Bestman performed for the group. The fundraising effort will be directed by the Johannesburg Youth Ballet.
Since the JYB is an officially recognised NPC with public benefit status, all contributions are eligible for Section 18 A certificates.
According to Mark Hawkins, artistic director of the Johannesburg Youth Ballet, "there are many brilliant young dancers who aspire to make a career out of dancing, but it is perhaps once or twice in a lifetime that someone with Bestman’s talent, determination, and enthusiasm crosses your way."
“Working with Faahkir on his dancing journey has made me feel privileged and honoured in my role as artistic director of The Johannesburg Youth Ballet. In all dancing genres, I have witnessed his artistic development.
“He embraces criticism, is ready to learn and is enthusiastic about whatever he does. He is a young man with great stage presence who is intelligent and humble.
Bestman, who was born and raised on the Cape Flats, was formerly known as "Hanover Park's Billy Elliot."
When he was eight years old, Abeedah Medell of the renowned Eoan Group first saw him. In addition to providing him with his foundational training, the organisation deeply sparked the young artist's enthusiasm for dance and encouraged him to dream big. The bold little boy quickly declared his desire to dance on the biggest platforms in the world.
When Bestman was twelve years old, he was awarded the first Christopher Kindo scholarship, which allowed him to enrol in Johannesburg's The National School of the Arts, the oldest performing and creative arts school in South Africa.
After his name was suggested to Intocast SA (Pty) Ltd as deserving of additional sponsorship, they paid for all of his high school fees from Grade 9 to Grade 12.
For more than 50 years, South Africa's National School of the Arts has been at the forefront of developing arts education. It continues to be the top publicly supported (Government) School of Specialisation in Performing and Creative Arts in the nation.
The National School of the Arts (NSA), a re-imagined art school that opened its doors in 1993 and was created by the union of the Johannesburg Art, Ballet, Drama, and Music School and Hoërskool Die Kruin, reflected the impending birth of the new South Africa.
The NSA, which is located on the summit of the Braamfontein Ridge, draws bright students from all across South Africa and the larger SADC area.
The entry requirements for the school include talent and a strong academic record. A student must successfully complete an audition in either art, dance, drama, or music to be accepted into this special high school where academics and the arts coexist.
Bestman collaborated with eminent choreographers throughout his five years at the NSA, including Vincent Mantsoe, Tshepo Zasakhaya, Kitty Phetla, Mark Hawkins, Shannell Winlock-Pailman, Iain McDonald, Yusuf Thomas, Sean Bovin and Laura Cameron.
“It is now time for him to make a significant entry into The Joffrey Ballet School in New York, one of the best ballet schools in the world. From the minute Bestman entered the NSA studio, we realised we had something special in this young dancer,” stated NSA Head of Department Haydee Baker.
Another connection between the Joffrey and the NSA is that Bradley Shelver, a celebrated dancer, teacher, director, and choreographer who has built a trail of excellence over the past 24 years, is currently the artistic director of the Joffrey Concert Group.
Bradley graduated from the NSA in 1997 and enrolled on a full scholarship in the Alvin Ailey School the following year. Sakellarides continued: “We are profoundly thankful to Bradley for helping guide Faahkir at this time.
“In one week, we were able to raise 25% of our target. On his voyage thus far, fate has worked in his favour. We have faith that the fountain of giving and goodwill will never run dry. We still have a ways to go, and he needs to leave on January 14 with everything packed and prepared,” Sakellarides concluded.
The narrative of Bestman is one of potential, resiliency, optimism and the transformational power of art. The aspiration of one little child to perform on prominent venues throughout the globe is beginning to come true.
Donations can be made into the JYB account.
Banking details: The Johannesburg Youth Ballet
Standard Bank. Branch Code: 051001 Branch: Rosebank
Account no. 00-195-133-5
Or the BackaBuddy campaign.
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