'Weird Waves' is back with season 3



Published May 7, 2021


The acclaimed surf series “Weird Waves” is back with season 3.

Hosted by Vans global surf team rider Dylan Graves and co-created with director Dave Malcolm, the new season continues its exploration of surfing’s most unconventional communities and their rarely championed heroes.

It focuses on Graves and the crew as they surf from Galveston, Texas, to Lake Tahoe and beyond.

In the first episode, the crew found themselves shifting their schedules to highlight a few different approaches to surfing once the street lights turned on.

The makers of the series also produced their soundtrack.

About the inspiration behind it, they said: “The idea of making our music for this project seemed a little ambitious.

“Neither of us has ever been in a legit band, nor have we ever taken music all that seriously.

“Always more of something to take your mind off of whatever was bothering you type pastime.

“We had a few months before we started filming, so we just started messing around with a few ideas on Garage Band to entertain the possibility of potentially using one of our songs to fill the gaps wherever we might need to… After our first 3 trips (Great Lakes/ Stream Tour parts 1+2) we had enough ideas in our project files to at least use songs as placeholders till we found better songs to replace them,” they said.

They added: “But they kind of worked, after showing some friends and everyone at Vans, nobody said anything about the music being whack.

“We ended up spending a lot more time on developing the songs to get them to a place we were happy with, and that was essentially how we tricked ourselves into making the music for this project.”

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