Sorisha Naidoo’s ‘wealth bracelet’ causes a stir on social media, tweeps want their own

Sorisha Naidoo. Picture: Instagram

Sorisha Naidoo. Picture: Instagram

Published Mar 6, 2023


It seems like veteran “housewife”, Sorisha Naidoo is having her best season yet on “The Real Housewives of Durban”.

Fans are loving her crossover in personality from being the group’s “peacemaker” to her taking no nonsense and standing her ground with the other ladies, whom I must admit, also bring plenty of heat.

In season 3, Sorisha, who is married to KZN businessman Vivian Reddy, has been living to her introduction in which she says she’s “a lot more than sugar, spice and everything nice”.

In a chat with her, she said: “I have definitely evolved with the show, I am happy to voice my opinions and concerns and obviously that takes a lot of introspection to get there.

“I’m very grateful that I have also been more relaxed in season 3 and hence the ability to speak my truth and own feelings instead of making sure I only keep the peace and never get to say what I need to say.”

The show has received a lot of traction online, and judging from the buzz, Sorisha, Nonku, Jojo, Maria, Mbali, Slee and Annie will continue to top Twitter trends as the season progresses.

Who knows, maybe it will earn them a fourth season but we’ll just have to wait and see.

“I love that the third season of ‘RHODurban’ always trends, it means the show is captivating and entertaining and I am proud to be associated with the brand,” said the reality star.

Talking about trends, Naidoo’s “wealth bracelet”, which is known as a “Lakshmi string” in Hinduism, seems to have caught the attention of Mzansi with many tweeps desperately looking to buy their own in hopes of attaining wealth just like her.

In episode 4, the beautiful Slee, who is on her own spiritual journey asked Naidoo about the “red” coloured string she wore on her had.

While at the fabric shop, Naidoo explained that the sacred string is tied once a year after a prayer for obtaining wealth.

On the episode she said: “You know, that red string, we tie it every year, once a year, and it lasts me year to year. It’s a prayer in the Hindu culture for wealth.

“So it’s the Goddess Lakshmi and you tie it once a year, and it’s supposed to last you to the following year, to the date and then you tie a new string,” said Naidoo.

On Twitter @sazyngobese wrote: “Low-key cannot stop thinking about the Hindu prayer for wealth bracelet Sorisha has #RHODurban.”

@LoloEm_ZA replied saying, “Does one need to be Indian for it to work? I'm asking for myself, please! 😭.”

— Lolo Em (@LoloEm_ZA) February 22, 2023

And @nkosazane_enhle said: “I need Sorisha's bracelet for wealth🏃🏽‍♀️#RHODurban.”

What some people may not know is that not only does this sacred piece of red string brings wealth, but according to Hindu scriptures, the prayer, along with wearing the string signifies that the wearer will be blessed with prosperity, fertility, wealth, beauty, peace, happiness, health and long life.

The strings usually has seven knots with the eighth formed when tied. These knots symbolise the eight kinds of wealth that are established.

Talking about the #wealthbraclet trend, Naidoo said: “The red string is a ancient Hindu tradition signifying our devotion to Mother Lakshmi, I feel the Mother Lakshmi deems wealth in many forms, there is wealth in someone’s health, wealth in peace of mind, wealth in the happiness of a family, the definition of wealth comes in so many forms and does not necessarily mean money only.

“I think people are just talking playfully about it, I don’t think they really mean it.”

Sharing insight on upcoming episodes of the drama-filled reality show, she said: “This season has been especially spicy and drama-laden, people are going to surprise and a few nasty secrets get unearthed. Friendships are also about to be readjusted too.”

“The Real Housewives of Durban” season 3 is streaming on Showmax.