Lorna Watson counts her blessing as her 'Father Brown' character lands spin-off series

DI Sam Gillespie (Max Brown) and Sister Boniface (Lorna Watson). Picture: Supplied

DI Sam Gillespie (Max Brown) and Sister Boniface (Lorna Watson). Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 28, 2022


In 2013, Lorna Watson was cast as Sister Boniface in a one-off episode of “Father Brown”.

Little did she realise at the time though that, several years later, the character would take on a life of its own in the spin-off series, “Sister Boniface Mysteries”.

In a recent interview with the British actress, who has such a calming voice that you feel like unburdening your troubles to her, she shed light on the 10-part series and admitted to the opportunity being a pleasant surprise.

She shared: “Don’t get me wrong, I had a wonderful time on ‘Father Brown’, it was a great experience. And I really loved playing the character. But, no, after the shoot, I put it to bed and cracked on with other things.

“I have to say it was a big but lovely surprise that all these years later, she gets her own series.”

In the same way that “Father Brown” has its own whodunnit village charm, so too does “Sister Boniface”.

But her uniqueness - aside from being a nun as well as a part of law enforcement - is her passion for forensics.

Watson admitted: “I think she’s a lovely person. She's kind. She’s warm. But she’s also a woman excelling in a field that women, at that time, weren’t known for – forensic science in the 1960s.

DS Felix Livingstone (Jerry Iwu), Sister Boniface (Lorna Watson) and DI Sam Gillespie (Max Brown) in a scene from the whodunnit. Picture: Supplied

“She was quite a trailblazer in some ways as well. She has this sort of infectious enthusiasm for the world and solving these puzzles and crimes.”

Of course, while the premise of the series revolves around Sister Boniface, it is kept interesting with the inclusion of other eccentric characters: Felix Livingstone (Jerry Iwu) and Sam Gillespie (Max Brown).

As for what she loves about her character, she shared: “Well, unique is the word, I think. And that is what I love about her. She’s hard to pigeonhole because she’s lots of different things. And that’s why it’s so nice to play her.

She’s not just a nun. She’s not just a forensic scientist. She’s got lots going on there.

She added: “So given how much I enjoyed playing her the first time around. I’ve really enjoyed this series worth of episodes to really get to know her better. And it’s been lovely.”

Reflecting on her cherished moments behind the scenes, she admitted: “Day one, just arriving on set and taking it all in. Wearing my habit and riding the bike for the first time as well.

“And also getting to that point in the cast where we’ve settled, and we are so comfortable with each other that it just becomes organic and you are finding those little moments together, which is the nice thing on a shoot.”

By the way, her character also gets into the groove in the Beatles-esque episode.

She laughed: “ Sister Boniface is dancing for the first time, which threw me because, how does she move. I got there in the end, slightly awkwardly.

As for her co-stars, Iwu and Brown, she shared: “They were lovely to work with, and they are nice human beings as well. Also, their characters are so different. It was an interesting triangle.

“Felix is so by the book and diligent. Sam, being a bit all over the place, is brilliant but scatty. And then Sister Boniface in the middle. Such a lovely dynamic.”

Watson also sang the praises of their postcard-perfect location.

Fans of “Midsomer Murders”, “Vera”, “Grantchester” and “Rosemary & Thyme” will enjoy this countryside whodunnit series.

Sister Boniface Mysteries” is streaming on BritBox.

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