Durban-born actor Rajesh Gopie takes on new role in Netflix’s 'Dead Places'

Actor, Rajesh Gopie. Picture: Instagram.

Actor, Rajesh Gopie. Picture: Instagram.

Published Apr 21, 2021


Award-winning theatre and TV actor and playwright, Rajesh Gopie is just one of the faces of the newly released Netflix horror series, “Dead Places”.

The Durban-born, Johannesburg-based actor stars alongside a host of local actors like Anthony Oseyemi, Shamilla Miller, Rea Rangaka and Dineo Rasedile.

The series takes viewers on a spooky supernatural journey throughout 50 locations around the country, and Gopie plays a character who falls victim to the deadly events of the series.

The ghostly action-packed paranormal series will leave viewers with raised hair as it follows a paranormal detective investigating a series of supernatural occurrences.

Although Gopie isn’t a fan of the horror genre, he loves taking on a challenge, which is the exact reason he decided on taking on this role.

“I don’t like horrors, I can’t sleep at night if I watch them. However, I know that there are millions out there who love it.

“And as an actor, I also like challenges that bring my talent to the fore.

“This script was well structured and compelling within the supernatural and horror genre and it intrigued me.

“It’s always a pleasure to bring to life a new work and work with new directors and producers,” said Gopie about this experience on the show.

He said he has no doubt the series will fare really well on the streaming platform because of its far reach.

"I think it’s going to doing really well. There are many kinds of South Africans with varying tastes. Horses for courses, so to speak. That’s the beauty of Netflix it accommodates for a wide spectrum of viewers,“ he said.

Aside from basking in the limelight of his new release, the multi-talented Gopie is planning on going back to the stage to make a new play while doing a host of other things.

“I’ve been thinking about making a new theatre show. And I have another series starting in few months.

“I’m also continuing teaching and studying toward my Postgraduate Certificate in Education as I want to make this time count and not waste it,” said Gopie.

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