5 tear-jerking moments from Connie Chiume’s memorial service

Top five moments at Connie Chiume’s Memorial. File Picture: Supplied

Top five moments at Connie Chiume’s Memorial. File Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 14, 2024


The recent memorial for Connie Chiume was a touching and emotional event, filled with heartfelt tributes and touching memories from those who knew her best.

As an actress, a mother and grandmother, Chiume had an impact on both the entertainment industry and the lives of those around her was profound.

IOL reflects on some of the most heartfelt moments from Chiume’s memorial service which was held at the Oasis of Life Family Church, Daveyton.

John Kani

The first moment that stood out was when Dr John Kani took the stage to pay his respects.

His words beautifully summarised the essence of who Chiume was as a person and as a professional. He highlighted her unwavering guidance and support for young entertainers, portraying her as a perfect example of respect and compassion.

“Connie was a respectable being. I know, we all celebrate and pay tribute to a great lady, and incredible actress,” he said.

Defining Connie

Equally moving was the top management consultant, educationalist and renowned motivational speaker, David Molapo who detailed description of Connie, where he cleverly broke down her name to emphasise the qualities that made her exceptional.

“Connie had a courage to start new things. Let us not forget the courage she had,” he said.

C stands for Courageous.

O stands for Open-minded. Chiume had a foundation she wanted to open called Connie Chiume Foundation.

N stands for Never a quitter. He said that Chiume was never a quitter.

N stands for Nurture. “She knew how to navigate through the issues of life.”

I stands for Inspiration. He said “Mam’ Connie was filled with hopes that something good could come out of any meetings.”

E stands for Entrepreneur. He said “If you have a voice, you must have an invoice.”

“She knew that quitters never win and winners never quit,” he added.

From being courageous and open-minded to her innate ability to inspire and her entrepreneurial spirit, Connie's character shone through each letter of her name, leaving an indelible mark on all those she encountered.

Connie’s neighbour pays tribute

One of Chiume's neighbours, Rose Nozipho Mankazane, provided a glimpse into her personal life, depicting her as a down-to-earth individual who treated everyone with kindness and equality.

"She was very humble, very down to mother earth. Loving, Warm and very caring,“ she said.

Mankazane was unable to contain her emotions, the neighbour's words painted a picture of Connie as someone who cherished life and was a source of joy in her community.

“She loved to ask me to accompany her to wherever she was invited to. She loved fun and she loved to celebrate life,” she added.

Fana Mokoena

Former actor and EFF MP Fana Mokoena's tribute further emphasised Chiume's multifaceted impact, describing her as a leader, mentor, and an agent of social change.

His description of her involvement with young entertainers and her role in advancing unity and justice highlighted the extent of her influence that extended far beyond the screen.

“Ausi Connie is social cohesion herself. The ability to move society along into a new agenda, and that agenda is unity, democracy, fairness and justice,” said Mokoena.

The letter

The last poignant moment was when a letter from Percy Vilakazi was read aloud by fellow entertainers. The profound love and admiration expressed in the letter beautifully summarised the sentiments shared by all who knew Connie.

Vilakazi's words captured Connie's infectious joyfulness, her passion for teaching, and her unwavering love for those around her.

“She was a joyful person who also filled the set with her joyfulness. Chuime always taught with passion and was always willing to learn whether on scene or behind the scenes,” he said.