Service delivery cited after man falls into a river and drowns while bathing

A short search was done in the Mvoti River and the body of the man was located approximately one kilometre downstream from where he had fallen in. Picture: IPSS Medical Rescue

A short search was done in the Mvoti River and the body of the man was located approximately one kilometre downstream from where he had fallen in. Picture: IPSS Medical Rescue

Published Dec 11, 2022


Durban — Issues around service delivery were cited after a man washing himself next to a river fell in and drowned.

On Friday, IPSS Medical Rescue managing director Dylan Meyrick said that earlier in the day, IPSS Search and Rescue members accompanied SAPS K9 Search and Rescue division in recovering a body from the Mvoti River in the Maphumulo area.

Meyrick said that it was established that an adult male had been washing next to the river when he fell in.

A short search was done in the Mvoti River and the body of the man was located approximately one kilometre downstream from where he had fallen in. Picture: IPSS Medical Rescue

“A short search was done in the river and the body of the man was located approximately one kilometre downstream from where he had fallen in,” Meyrick said.

“The man's body was retrieved from the water and handed over to Maphumulo SAPS.

“Our condolences to the family and friends of the deceased,” Meyrick said.

Police had not commented by the time of publication.

Commenting on the incident, Lorna Mary Daniels said it was heartbreaking that so many people did not have facilities to wash at home.

“If only all the wealthy would give back to the community to alleviate unemployment and poverty. Let’s all give back to help the less fortunate. We can all make a difference. Heartfelt condolences to his family,” Daniels said.

A short search was done in the Mvoti River and the body of the man was located approximately one kilometre downstream from where he had fallen in. Picture: IPSS Medical Rescue

Responding to Daniels, Vivienne Wessels said that in her area, people did not have water, not even in the towns, due to a lot of reasons such as a lack of chemicals, money and others.

“So people are forced to wash elsewhere. And with load shedding, even worse because they cannot pump water.”

Meanwhile, two young girls, both friends, were swept out to sea by strong currents.

It is believed their families were holidaying in the area and the girls, aged 12 and 15, were playing in the surf when the current pulled them deeper.

Bystanders recovered the body of the 15-year-old who had drowned.

Extensive rescue operations by police, Mi7 National Group medics and their counterparts from other service providers, were under way to find the 12-year-old.

Daily News