Second water pump commissioned at oThongathi Water Treatment Plant

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

Published Jan 25, 2023


Durban – eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant on Tuesday.

The municipality said that this followed a restoration project which was completed in October last year.

After the completion of the project, technical problems were experienced in the Hambanathi area, it said. As a result, the water flow grew weaker as the demand increased.

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

“To address the challenge, the municipality installed a second pump to run parallel with the one completed in October. Today (on Tuesday) two pumps are running in parallel in Hambanathi and the flow has improved. The reservoir levels have also improved to supply the zone.

“Work is also being undertaken to deal with issues on the trunk main as well as to repair any bursts and leaks.”

Kaunda said they expected the pump to supply oThongathi South Metcalf Reservoir later on Tuesday.

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

oThongathi residents supplied by the Emona Reservoir were expected to start receiving water last month.

That was according to the eThekwini Municipality, which said that the residents would start receiving potable water through their taps from Saturday, December 17.

“This follows successful repairs to infrastructure that was damaged by floods in April at Emona Reservoir,” municipal spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela said at the time.

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

Parts of oThongathi were without water for more than eight months.

“Residents are cautioned to boil the water before use for the next few days. Alternatively, residents can mix one teaspoon of unscented, ordinary household chlorine bleach per 20 litres of water. Mix the solution thoroughly and let stand for at least two hours before use,” Mayisela said.

“The public is encouraged to use these safety measures as the reservoir has not been in use since the floods.”

Mayisela said that areas supplied by the Emona Reservoir that would start receiving water included the Emona housing development, Van Rova, Ramiah Road, Hill Road, Metcalf Road, Khan Street, Dularia Street, Kannagamah Road, North Lane, View Road and Tesco Drive.

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

In October, eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda provided an update on the recommissioning of the oThongathi Waterworks Treatment Plant.

He said the municipality was going to use the commissioning period from October 27 to November 1 to fill the on-site reservoirs with treated water.

The Hambanathi reservoir was expected to be supplied with potable water first, followed by those listed below:

  • Emona reservoir
  • Metcalf reservoir
  • Belvedere reservoir
  • Tongaat South
  • Mamba Ridge-Jan Ross-Burbreeze system
eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

eThekwini Municipality mayor Mxolisi Kaunda commissioned the second water pump at the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant this week. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

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