DURBAN - The N3 Toll Concession (N3TC) said traffic volumes can increase to over 2 000 vehicles per hour during peak periods, which could lead to congestion and possible delays.
The N3TC warned road users to plan for heavy traffic conditions on the N3 from Wednesday to Friday this week.
It also said it would continue to closely monitor traffic patterns, including all incidents and crashes along the route in the coming weeks.
All data is collated, analysed and interpreted to help forecast and manage traffic flow, and to provide real-time guidance and road safety support to both road users and aligned stakeholders.
The N3TC reiterated that motorists should plan their routes prior to departing on their holiday trips, and stay informed of road and traffic conditions.
N3TC operations manager Thania Dhoogra said: “Careful planning helps to avoid a last minute rush, taking unnecessary risks, and late night driving.
“As a further safety measure, N3TC recommends that road users rather travel during the day than at night.
“Although there are marginally fewer crashes at night, these crashes tend to be far more severe,” Dhoogra said.
“Our route services team is always ready to assist in any emergency on the N3 Toll Route or to provide you with the latest, verified route and traffic information,” Dhoogra said.
The N3TC also said road users could stay informed of prevailing road and traffic conditions by following @N3Route on Twitter or call the #N3Helpline – day or night – on 0800 63 43 57.
This number is a direct line to the 24/7 N3 Route Control Centre (RCC) which is the nerve centre of N3TC.
Daily News