Man who allegedly raped children in KZN arrested five months later – after police failed to open case

The Ulundi family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit is investigating five charges of rape after the same number of children were attacked by a known suspect in Nongoma. Picture: Supplied

The Ulundi family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit is investigating five charges of rape after the same number of children were attacked by a known suspect in Nongoma. Picture: Supplied

Published Mar 5, 2023


Durban — It has been revealed that a matter involving five sexually abused children was reported to Nongoma police in October 2022, but a case was not opened.

This is according to the Ayanda Msweli Foundation, which released a statement after visiting the Msimang family in the KwaMinyamanzi area in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal on March 2, after receiving a complaint about children having been sexually abused.

The foundation said there were five children in total who had been violated by the suspect.

“The matter was reported to the Nongoma police in October 2022, but there was no case opened,” the foundation said.

However, it said that impressive developments had subsequently taken place.

“We returned to the families of the five children on March 3 with Brigadier Makhathini and her team, wherein the case was officially opened. Furthermore, the 20-year-old… has been arrested,” the foundation said.

It added that it appreciated the urgent response of the SAPS in the matter in partnership with the office of the premier.

“We look forward to receiving feedback about further action being taken regarding the police who did not treat the matter with delicacy and urgency when the families reported it back in October 2022,” the foundation said.

KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube commended the police who acted swiftly to arrest the suspect, who allegedly sexually abused five children aged between 4 and 12.

Dube-Ncube said: “The arrest of a suspect who allegedly sexually abused five children is a positive development in terms of justice being served for the victims and their families.

“Such heinous acts can have devastating and long-lasting effects on the survivors, and it is important that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

“It is equally important to acknowledge the bravery of the KwaMinyamanzi community members who came forward to report the abuse, as well as the law enforcement officials who worked tirelessly to investigate and apprehend the perpetrator.

“However, it is also important to recognise that the impact of sexual abuse can be complex, and that survivors may require ongoing psycho-social support and resources to heal and recover.”

Dube-Ncube said social workers from the Department of Social Development were going to visit the family and the victims to offer them psycho-social support following the trauma they had suffered.

However, Dube-Ncube said she was concerned about the fact that the incident had initially been reported to KwaNongoma police station in October 2022, but no case had been opened.

“We condemn the lackadaisical behaviour of the police, who did not treat the matter with the urgency it deserved. I urge the police management to investigate the matter and implement consequence management on those found guilty of turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to this pressing case,” Dube-Ncube said.

She said the sexual abuse of children was a pandemic which needed to be nipped in the bud before it spread like wildfire.

“Sexual abuse of young people is a cancer that eats away the fibre of our society, which if left unattended threatens to destroy the cohesive nature of our community. Ultimately, it is our collective responsibility to work towards creating a safer and more just society, where we protect the rights of women and children, (and) where all individuals can live free from the threat of sexual violence and exploitation,” Dube-Ncube said.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Nqobile Gwala confirmed that the Ulundi family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit was investigating five charges of rape after five children had been raped by a known suspect in Nongoma.

“A 19-year-old suspect was arrested on March 3, 2023 at Nongoma. He is expected to appear before the Nongoma Magistrate’s Court on March 6, 2023.”

Meanwhile, reacting to allegations that the police did not open a case, Fikile Fiks Dlodlo said that people who did not do the jobs they had been hired to do should be punished.

“It’s the one thing that makes people reluctant to report to the police, because of course others don't do anything,” Dlodlo said.

Sthembiso Mabaso said the police were just watching. He questioned why the case had not been opened in October last year.

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