Lindokuhle Magabela Job Interview Transport Sponsor founder. photo, Supplied.
Durban — It all started when Lindokuhle Magabela from the eMaplazini area in eNanda, missed out on a job opportunity because he did not have the taxi fare to go for the interview when he got the call in 2021.
Magabela, founder of the Job Interview Transport Sponsor which helps people who do not have the taxi fare to attend interviews, uses his own pocket money to assist those in need.
“I once got an interview call in 2021, unfortunately, I couldn't go because I didn't have the money for the taxi fare. I ended up losing that job opportunity just like that and I was very hurt.
“That's when I realised that I need to help others who are in the same situation that I was once in because I know how it feels to lose a job opportunity, and it is very difficult to hunt for a job if you are not working,” said Magabela.
Magabela, 25, a father of two children who works for a company in uMhlanga, added that he found it difficult to identify those who really needed help, as he had encountered a lot of scammers.
“I am still trying to find a means of identifying those who need help and those who are scammers. For now, to verify I ask them to send emails and SMSes with the interview dates and details to confirm.
“There have been many times that people have tried to scam me; just this weekend, there was a lady who I helped out only to find she was lying. So now I no longer include refreshment money, I only give them transport money according to their location,” said Magabela.
He added that it was not easy since he used his own money and still had to support his family, but because he loved helping people he would not stop.
Since starting in February, he has helped more than 20 people and spent more than R2 000.
Daily News