DA calls for Musa Mbhele’s suspension over appointment

Pressure is mounting on the eThekwini council to suspend Musa Mbhele as eThekwini city manager. Picture: Terry Haywood Photography

Pressure is mounting on the eThekwini council to suspend Musa Mbhele as eThekwini city manager. Picture: Terry Haywood Photography

Published May 4, 2023


Durban — The DA in eThekwini has demanded that municipal manager Musa Mbhele be suspended immediately pending the conclusion of the investigation into his appointment, which was seemingly illegal.

In a statement issued by Thabani Mthethwa, party caucus leader in the eThekwini Municipality, the party said that it would write to Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi to request that Mbhele be removed immediately.

Mthethwa said the screening committee was required to provide the selection panel with the 2019 report issued by the City Integrity and Investigations Unit.

This evidently implicates Mbhele in a violation of the Municipal Finance Management Act section 116(3) by entering into a memorandum of agreement that changed the terms of a tender contract without council approval.

But according to Mthethwa, this did not happen.

“According to the report, disciplinary processes were recommended against him, but they were not implemented when he was appointed city manager.

“This report was never presented to Exco and council, nor was it supplied to the selection panel that ultimately approved Mbhele’s appointment.

“The report was clearly kept under wraps to ensure that the illegal appointment of Mbhele would go unchallenged, fulfilling the agenda of factional battles within the ANC,” read the statement.

The party further stated that it would not have endorsed the employment of the city manager, being fully aware of his past transgressions and pending disciplinary hearing.

African Democratic Change Party leader Visvin Reddy has also weighed in on the matter, calling for Mbhele’s suspension.

Reddy said that he had already written to the Cogta MEC, calling for her intervention, and was awaiting a response.

Citing the Daily News exposé, Reddy said the question that arises was how a person under investigation and facing possible disciplinary action was appointed as city manager?

“Why did he not disclose this to the interviewing panel?

“Why has the city’s integrity and investigation unit been dragging its feet on this matter?

“The disciplinary board, which took forever to be formed, eventually recommended that a criminal case be opened against Mbhele but this was not followed through.

“Furthermore,” said Reddy, “if the allegations contained in this report were true, then the appointment of the city manager was unlawful, illegal and irregular.

“He also said this means that all decisions taken by him in his current post, as well as recommendations submitted to the council, are challenged and may be reviewed by a court of law.

“In light of the above, I request the urgent intervention of Cogta to institute an investigation into the appointment of the city manager, Mr Musa Mbhele,” said Reddy.

“He should also be suspended immediately pending the outcome of the said investigation.”

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