Aiming high comes naturally to Andiswa Mdunge as she graduates cum laude with second Dean’s Merit Award

Andiswa Nosiphiwo Mdunge. Picture: Supplied

Andiswa Nosiphiwo Mdunge. Picture: Supplied

Published May 18, 2023


Durban University of Technology (DUT) student Andiswa Nosiphiwo Mdunge, 23, set a record by graduating cum laude and receiving the Dean's Merit Award twice in a row.

Mdunge, who calls Imbali Unit 13 in Pietermaritzburg home, graduated with her Advanced Diploma in business and information management cum laude on Monday at Indumiso Campus Hall in Pietermaritzburg.

Last year, Mdunge also graduated cum laude in business and information management and obtained the Dean's Merit Award, despite initially wanting to pursue the field of science as a chemical engineer.

“At first, I cannot say I was surprised because I worked very hard towards achieving good grades. I made sure that I was not settling for anything less than 80%. Thanks to the Almighty and my supportive family, friends, colleagues and special thanks to my lecturers for the academic support in ensuring that I have all the help that I needed,” Mdunge said about graduating cum laude with a Dean’s Merit again.

She believes that there is no better feeling in the world than making one’s parents proud. Her parents were proud and excited about her achievement, her mom could not hold her tears of joy. This was the proudest moment for the Mdunge family.

“I have a huge interest in furthering my studies until I wear the red gown. Currently, I am enrolled in my postgraduate diploma in management sciences: business administration,” Mdunge said.

Mdunge is currently serving at DUT Student Housing and Residence Life Unit as a youth employment services programme intern, but her wish is to find a permanent position in her field of study.

“I want to express my sincere gratitude to my parents, siblings, relatives, friends, colleagues on the student housing team, and the best lecturers one could ask for, Dr Ncube, Mr Matlala, and Dr Mthalane. To all my lecturers, thank you for your dedication and support in helping me accomplish wonderful results. May God continue to bless you all,” Mdunge said.

With her academic achievement an inspiration to many young people, Mdunge believes that with hard work, dedication and support, one can achieve their dreams and make a positive impact in their field of study.

Mdunge started at DUT in 2019 when she enrolled for her diploma in business & information management, which she completed in 2021.

She was a student residence assistant, which included being expected to work full-time in the residence - attending student reports, attending classes and being a tutor in the management science department.

To juggle everything, she made a schedule that accommodated her responsibilities.

However, having colleagues and lecturers’ support made her journey easier whenever she felt overwhelmed by the workload.

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