Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure Sihle Zikalala.
Cape Town - The installation of 80 generators in courts across the country was in the planning and design stages, Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Sihle Zikalala said.
Zikalala said the rollout of the new generators were for various courts in Limpopo, Free State, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga and Gauteng.
“The projects are currently in the planning and design phase which entails the site inspections, status quo reporting, drawings, specifications and approvals including municipal approvals.
“The size of the facility and cabling length to the main supply are some of the parameters that determine the milestones, which vary per facility,” he said.
Zikalala was responding in writing to Freedom Front Plus MP Philip van Staden, when he enquired about 80 courts where instructions have been issued for the installation of new generators.
Van Staden also asked about the date by which the installations would be rolled out and completed.
Zikalala said it was anticipated that the procurement plan approval would be completed by the end of April, followed by planning and design by June 30 and bid specification was to be completed the following day.
The advertisement of the tender would have taken place by the end of August and award and site handover on November 30.
He said the actual installation of the generators would take place over a period of three to six months.
In March, the Cape Times reported that the department was in a drive to purchase and install 80 generators in courts across the country.
Former Public Works and Infrastructure minister Patricia de Lille said 360 courts were operating with partially-functioning generators.
“The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure has issued 80 instructions for the installation of new generators.”
She also said the department was currently rolling-out the critical components programme for the balance.
“The generators have been accessed by DPWI multidisciplinary technical team throughout a condition assessment exercise to determine whether the equipment needs to be replaced or maintained.
“The department is also assessing other initiatives to supplement electricity supply using renewable energy sources,” she said.
Cape Times
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