Thumb war: While some proudly post their election 2024 marks, others left embarrassed

Published May 30, 2024


Scores of voters shared pictures of their thumbs on various social media sites after taking part in the 2024 elections on Wednesday, but it seems some have taken umbrage at how their thumbs were marked.

Millions of South Africans made their mark on Wednesday as they voted in the 2024 national and provincial elections, where for the first time in the country's voting history, voters received three ballot papers rather than two.

Voting was a mix bag of some stations operating smoothly, while a number of others had snaking queues with of thousands of voters around the country still in queues after 12am.

The IEC said the delays were caused by various reasons, including late delivery of materials, delayed escorts by security services or protests by certain community members.

Mosaics made with 308 thumb pics from social media. Illustration: David Ritchie
Mosaics made with 308 thumb pics from social media. l ILLUSTRATION: DAVID RITCHIE

In Cape Town, some voting stations saw queuing lines as young and old made their mark, with a large number of youths coming out in numbers to let their vote count.

IOL reported that the government has welcomed the high turnout of voters heading out to cast their votes.

Nomonde Mnukwa, the acting GCIS director-general spokesperson said: “There is a conspicuous and palpable sense of jubilation at voting stations across the country as citizens exercise their constitutional rights in this seminal seventh national election.

“The dignity and patience with which voters are conducting themselves is a sign of our maturing democracy, and we are confident that these elections will build on our history of free and fair elections.”

While some were more than happy to post pictures of their thumbs showing off that they had voted, a number were less than impressed with the voting station workers who decided to use their thumbs as a canvas.

— Sibongile Mafu (@sboshmafu) May 30, 2024
— P? (@phiwe_thusi) May 29, 2024

Cape Argus