Former Table Mountain ‘resident’ visits after almost 80 years

Published Jan 23, 2023


Cape Town - The Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company has helped a former “resident” celebrate his 79th birthday. David Bester had his “homecoming” birthday after 78 years since his last stay.

Bester together with his family lived on the mountain when he was a baby because his father worked for the company.

The company said he was the first baby, at the age of two weeks, to travel to the top of the mountain in a cable car.

His stay was cut short at the realisation that the mountain was a bit dangerous for an 11-month-old infant living on top of a 1067m-high mountain, and his parents decided to come down for good.

“My newly married parents lived in the cableway house on top of the mountain after my dad was appointed cable car operator in 1943. My mother was pregnant with me at the time and in January 1944 she gave birth to me.

“I have fond memories of my early days living here. Just imagine being a toddler, exploring the natural beauty of the mountain. Table Mountain was my play park.Sadly, I don’t have any photographs left over from those days. It is a moving experience to again see my childhood home,” said Bester.

David Bester on top of Table Mountain. Picture: Supplied

During the birthday celebration, Bester spent most of his Saturday morning showing his family around the upper-tablel and where he used to play.

The cableway has been upgraded three times in its nine decades of operation. There first was the tiny car that Bester and his family would have used, followed by updates in 1958, 1974 and most recently in 1997 when the cars with revolving floors called Rotair were introduced.

The cableway company’s managing director, Wahida Parker, said she felt honoured to have Bester as one of the guests.

“It was an honour welcoming David and his family to the mountain, a site that has such deep personal significance for him. Birthdays are special occasions and a birthday such as David’s is perhaps even more so.

“I hope that more people will come and celebrate their birthdays with us” she said.