How to improve employee morale should there be lay-offs

In the event of a recession, employers may have to restructure and retrench to protect their fiscal sustainability and ensure that most of the workforce remains employed. Photo: Pexels

In the event of a recession, employers may have to restructure and retrench to protect their fiscal sustainability and ensure that most of the workforce remains employed. Photo: Pexels

Published May 21, 2023


By Michael Gullan

Following the global recession, another local recession may be headed our way. It could not come at the worst time for South Africa’s economic recovery after Covid-19 and as we struggle with political uncertainty and a failed electrical grid.

In the event of a recession, employers may have to restructure and retrench to protect their fiscal sustainability and ensure that most of the workforce remains employed.

And in the aftermath, employers will have the long journey of rebuilding confidence and trust amongst their remaining employees.

Employers must be prepared with a plan to renew trust and show all stakeholders the opportunities the difficult situation presents.

Organisations have to look for ways to improve workplace performance and keep their teams unified in times of corporate crisis. A positive outlook and a growth mindset will make all the difference.

Recalibration plan for organisations

Here’s a proven strategy for Management and HR teams to rekindle trust and a sense of security and rebuild your culture after retrenchments:

Re-evaluate your organizational goals and communicate them to your employees.

Clarify new processes because of changes in your workforce.

Reflect on the skills of your current employees and identify new skills gaps.

Prioritize training and skills development to address skills gaps and process updates.

Assign subject specialists with in-depth organizational knowledge to work with your eLearning partners to share knowledge with the organisation.

Through strong internal communications, nurture a learning culture so your organisation is stronger in turbulent times.

Michael Gullan is the founder and CEO of G&G Advocacy.

*The views expressed here are not necessarily those of IOL or of title sites.

IOL Business